Where I belong

Where I belong

Monday, March 2, 2015

I've spent so much time of my life paused, Living through everyone else, Living a life that wasn't mine. Dreaming for something to make me move. And then this flip in my brain switched and My whole world started turning upside down. But with that, Everything started falling into place. At the end of the day Timing is everything and things work out how and when they should.

I was hoping to have hit up west end everyday this weekend. 
But getting my license has taken over my life and It was more important. 
My apologies to Don't feed the birds and I//aarhythmist for missing shows I SWORE I'D BE AT. I didn't mean to flake, But honestly other things just came first and were more important. 
I've spent so much time in a car this week that by the time I'm driving,I'll be so sick of it and won't
want to go anywhere. Feeling really grateful for my mom, And all the time she's spent with me.
She's taken a lot of time out of her day's to be out and about driving with me.
Nothing ever works out how you expect it to, Or how you play it in your head. Life has started to fall back into place. 
 And I've learned to accept these facts.  Once you let go of trying to control everything things just happen. I know that i'm in the process of where i'm supposed to be. I'm really looking forward to see whats in store for me over the course of 2015. Its flying by so fast. If I can get driving down pat and tackled I'll become much more active in the scene. And will be much more available for shoots.  So be stoked on the fact that I'm in the process of making shit happen.  

As much as my heart was pulling me to go to Bombshells to see the knowing within again, I knew it wasn't possible so I pulled a chyster and decided to hit up west end... again Last minute. Although I planned on going to the show WEEKS AGO, I had completely forgotten about it. But it felt like I was meant to be there. I spent the day driving around with my mom which has basically been my week. And my friend pulled through last second and decided to go. Right after walking in the door I noticed Johnny from the Adolescent theory.

And apparently he noticed me too because we talked for a good twenty minutes or so, Not sure how the conversation started or how it even went. But I wouldn't have written about it anyway.  He was really great about me pulling him off the stage for a picture with him before leaving, Which made me happy because he was busy and I know how much dudes hate when you mess with them when busy.

Fair warning ahead of time my photos kind of suck this time around. For many reasons. But it wouldn't be a proper chyster blog post without them right? So i'll post a few. I only took 60..... when for me It's usually double that per band. So i'm a little tense posting. West ends Songs in between bands was so on point. I couldn't help but make the decision to dance and sing obnoxiously. So many throwbacks! Hahaha oldies will always be goodies. 

Pizza shark coming all the way down from Gainesville was so awesome, Like come on what a great band name am I right??? 
Their sound was pretty groovy. They started off the night right.  

After them was Don't cry it's Friday

Don't really have a lot to say about them really.... Crazy I know right me out of words? Just know I'm not meaning the good sense of that saying. I just think they were all over the place and have a lot of potential but need to make a few changes. I'm all for trying to blend music, or personalities. But it just doesn't work for them. Personal preference I suppose. I just don't see them lasting long, Or making it that far. I've become really critical of bands lately. Just not in a vocal way. Sooooo It's weird saying Yoooooo, I NO LIKE IT. Because I just aint about that life.  I feel like I should see them again. And maybe if that happens i'll review / view them in a better way.  feeling like this is just because I have issues with most girl singers??? I dunno why.... But I only seem to like very few. It takes a lot for a girl fronted band to grab my attention and this one just didn't. But I don't think that was really the problem here. Not that there really was one. If they're happy and doing well who am I to judge them. Side note I like that they covered Hawthorne heights. And my favorite /  most popular song at that. (this is who we are) However I'm disappointed nobody there seemed to know who HH was? But oh well. Gave me the chance to sing a lil louder.And oh boy did I. Sorry crowd. Blame yourselves for not singing along with me. If you like punk and cool cats, Dis is a band for you! Don't let my opinion discourage you from checking them out. If you do, Lemme know what you happen to think. They sound like a softer punk version of evensance So if you like that. Give em the shot. 

Here's me and Johnny Sadly this is the only shot I have that's The adolescent theory related. 
Accidentally blinding some poor dude in the crowd Made me feel so bad and awkward that I hardly picked up my bae the whole night. Poor broken hearted camera probably feels so mis treated. But Ii just wasn't feeling it....., AGAIN. But excuses excuses Blah blah blah. No Buenos. 
I rocked out with my heart out. I completely adore everything about this band and the dudes in it. I cannot wait to see them again. I'm starting to find some of the best people in florida. And don't take my words on it. Go see and hear for yourself just how rad TAT is. TheAdolescentTheoryBandPage 
Something about their sound just reminds me of better days, Of good real Poppunk. They have not only the lyrics but the sound. It makes you feel like you can  fight your battles and take on the world one song at a time. It blows me away when a band has EVERYTHING. Because it's very un common. But they are the full package. Great on and off the stage. I was sold on the band before even hearing them, Just by how Johnny.Chris,Justin and Darren presented themselves. people like them are why I love music so damn much. If you take those few extra moments to talk to someone and appreciate them. YOU WILL GO SO FAR IN LIFE. Too many musicians don't realize that the fans are what made them and can break them. I get it we can be annoying. But the nicer you are, the better brownie points you automatically get.  I would've supported TAT even if their music was total shit. Because they're great humans. Passionate, and full of life. They've made it up to my top five of favorite bands and I've only seen them once. I'm just really diggin the sound and lyrics. Like all personal experiences with them aside, They're another one of those bands I'd love regardless of if I knew or met them or not. They just have it. The it isn't explainable by any means. But they've got it. 

I might end up deleting this post. So if you think I shouldn't be sure to let me know. ~Chyster

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