Where I belong

Where I belong

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

where does one go from here?

the title pretty much spells this post out, WHERE THE HELL DO I GO FROM HERE?

I'm sorry that I don't update this as much as i should, but what is one to say when she doesn't do anything?
my last concert was in April and my next one isn't for 46  (this was an old draft so it's now 22) days AND IT'S KILLING ME. One does not simply get noticed sitting at home doing nothing with her life all day, Sure I talk to bands and I try my best to get to more shows but I'm not getting anywhere with this. I'm stuck and i don't know what to do to well get unstuck. Guess only time will tell... But for now let me update you on a few things! I turned 16 a few weeks ago and i finally got to convert to canon!!! I'm now a very proud owner of a t3i canon rebel DSLR camera ~smirks~ remember how I mentioned I've got a new concert coming up  I'm going to see Marilyn mason and rob zombie!!!!!!!!!!!!! meeeeeeeeeps~ it still feels so unreal I've waited to long so so soooo long for these guys to come back and it's finally happening<33 now that I've gotten those few things out of the way how about i catch you guys up with some new photos?


 thru the eyes of a fan indeed..
 Hiding from reality
flounder hat<33 

 belle on ice!



beauty and the beast~ 



belle and beast! 

and again<33 

 self portrait ish...
 and again xD
 new camera!~
 my niece and her freckles.
from the first day of my two week photography camp. 
 lays potato chips
 one of the Flagler beach fire fighters
 and again~ from my two week photo camp!
 old  bug
 awesome new zeland model i think? forgot her name though/:

matt! i loved his tattoos so i asked to shoot him! 

pop eye's got nothing on this guy! 

and last but not least my dirty mirror and my camera. who's the fairest photographer of them all?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Lost in the Middle is an alternative rock band from Columbia,South Carolina. Not to far off from myself here in Florida,  They've given me the pleasure of previewing a few tracks off of their acoustic album coming out oct 27th  hope and calamity.
 After sitting here for awhile listening to the songs i was sent I'd say  World I See is my favorite of this album it's very realatable (at least to me it is) and it has the perfect mix of slow bits and  softer harder bits and most songs aren't like that anymore i think that's why i'd  recommend this CD so much you really can't find good acoustic  music like this any more. Or any music like that really.
 Most songs blend together and start to sound the same but with lost in the middle every Part of every song is different and i love that. about them. 
The band is made up of Richard Strater -Vocals/Guitar 
Stephanie Hornsby - Guitar
Zach Dance- live bass  

Richard Strater- litmofficial@hotmail.com here's the link to contact the band about booking shows , or if your a label looking for someone to sign. 

http://www.lost-in-the-middle.com here's the band website if you'd like to know more about their upcoming album/ tours in the future. 

http://www.facebook.com/lostinthemiddle <--- the band's facebook for photos, tours, and music. 

http://www.youtube.com/user/LITMbandsc?feature=watch the youtube channel full of songs recorded from previous shows! 

Feel free to click on the links to learn more about the band and give them a listen you won't regret it! ~chyster. also  photo credit goes to Lost in the middles facebook, and to the people who took the photos! (adding this because this is on my photography blog.)