( Back tracking for those that don't know, A few weeks back The Knowing Within won the battle of the bands to play this show, Making it one of the biggest shows of their career(s) For that show, Kristian Granada filled in on bass, And was instantly made the new official member that night. )
And Although the dudes put on a GREAT show, And all the bands to follow suit did as well, The night was a bit disappointing. Maybe because For me it started off on the wrong foot, But it was the start to what seemed like a black clouded weekend. Not sure why it was this way, Or what we did to piss off the gods, But as always we made the best of it and despite the negatives had the best weekend of our lives. At least..... I did. It was hard to be on cloud nine with so much happening to the dudes. But in reality this weekend feels like an infinite unfathomable dream. That had it's fare share of plot twists.
Anyways, Friday was a sold out show at BACKBOOTH, let's just say backbooth isn't meant to sell out to 250 bodies and that it was definitely past what it's capacity should have been. This show shouldn't have been booked at this venue. I used to love this venue, But this show sent me over the edge. It's sound is so great, But the venue itself has this punkrock hell hole vibe with disgusting bathrooms and crappy security. After the Knowing within's set, Sylar threw a stand at me...... And because I couldn't just let myself stand by and idle in a crowd of moshers WITH A WEAPON, So I did what any smart person would do and went to take it outside.The security wouldn't let me, And my friend had to run it out instead, Even though I offered to leave my bag inside, And had just walked outside with a drum seat. Also same situation type deal. Offered to help make sure the roadie got down the stairs okay, But he walked off..... So I had to follow. I didn't want to stay for the word alive. The night was so Fluster Clucked that I just wanted to up and leave, But couldn't because my dumb butt parked four streets down from the venue, Despite there being a garage ACROSS THE STREET. But I never did pay for the parking???? So uh that was cool.... Plus I'd have hated myself for it. I love the word alive and so do my fambam. I wouldn't let myself miss that moment for the world. Even if It took everything in my power to fight the urge to leave. Things would be so much easier if I could go outside..... But no stupid no reentry under 21 policy.
I also left my usual keys at my friends house. Which made my already anxious brain worse. The venue was jam packed and hot as hell, So I stayed away from the stage most of the night. Hiding by the bar, still hardly able to breathe or move. But We made paper fans to keep cool. And it was pretty funny to make jokes about "Fan Girling".... Ha Get it!?
But..... I'll admit once The Word Alive went on the world and all these things faded away, And it was just me, my family of friends, And them. No crowd. No worries, No thoughts. I haven't sang that loud, or jumped that high in ages. My feet never leave the ground, I just bounce.... But not this time. I was catching air. I'm still paying for it.... Ow.... But again worth it all. And I'll do these crazy things time and time again because it's what I love. I bawled like a little baby during Lighthouse. I was teary eyed during most of the set to be perfectly honest. But during that song, Tim and Romina grabbed my hands and had them in the air and it hit me..... I haven't given up yet, And I never will. I have my voice, and People are finally hearing it. I'm not alone, And I never will be again. This is the sense of belonging I've always dreamed of but never knew how to feel. I'm only me when I'm with them. But they have helped me open up to people even when they're not around. They didn't get me to where I am, But they sure as hell helped me show that what I needed was within me all along. I never knew what I was missing until these people came into my life.
I spent most of the set watching the crowd. (Or well mostly Tim haha. ) He put on a better show anyway. ;) Even if in the crowd. But that statement is probably biased as hell. And coming from someone who fed of his energy and enjoyed herself mostly because he was there making sure I did. Because we're connected, It's more enjoyable to watch him and his improvs he gets really intense and into his element. Kind of like how he is on stage but honestly amplified. One of those gotta be there moments. But hey all the more reason to come catch one of their shows right????
The word Alive is one of those bands that's impacted me.
Their lyrics made up for a lot of missing things in my life, And seeing them finally, surrounded by people I love was one of the greatest feelings and moments I've ever had. But I would've given anything for the person who got me into this band to have been there with us. A part of me felt wrong, or empty seeing two of her favorite bands without her. ( Like moths to flames being the second.)
Telle The front man of TWA, tossed so much water into the crowd, And to my surprise it was actually dispensed and shared rather well... Made quite the impact on the ones who got it. In such a tight packed over heated room and water bottles being $3 a piece I was glad to see him doing that. They needed it.
The set list was dragon spell, 2012, play the victim, Lighthouse, Hounds of anubis, Evolution, Casanova rodeo, entirety, Never forget, Glass castle, Life cycles, and an encore of the wretched.
It was damn near perfect. But oh the things I'd have done to hear runaway.... hahaha.
TWA'S set made up for having to wait in line dying outside like a "fan" which I am. But all I wanted was to be inside with the dudes, Helping set up, Hanging out.... ect ect. Once you've been treated like you belong in there, It's hard to be slapped back into reality and put back in your place.
This was the debut of TKW's merch table. And I really wish I could have been apart of setting up and selling things. I might be quiet but when it comes to them? I can do anything. Plus I love it. I really do. And Would have been much more comfortable behind the table than trying to face crowds. Merch table views are the best views Maybe one day.... . Besides.... I didn't shoot. I was too scared of breaking my camera. I got four shots... that's it. *sad face* Oh well...
About not being allowed to be inside,
I understand (kinda sorta not really) why we all couldn't be in there, But they should have allowed a certain amount of people for the opening band just like they did for all the touring acts. But from what I heard from the boys, I wouldn't have wanted to be. But that didn't stop me from wanting it. And I appreciate all the time we did spend together. Apparently A lot of the bands on this tour, Aside from the word alive, Were jerks. Who probably shouldn't even belong in the industry or be at the high level their fans put them. They're un-deserving and treated my bro's like they were nothing for being locals.
Like who the heck are you? To forget who you once were, and where you came from. Without bands and fans like them YOU WOULDN'T BE THERE. You ungrateful little pricks. Go get your life and career options evaluated. The Knowing Within made that show sell out. How dare you look down on them for where they are. You lost me, I wasn't even apart of what happened but I refuse to support or back your band for those actions. Even if it wouldn't have been aimed at TKW.
After the show, I ran up to Alex? I think, the singer Of Chelsea grin He was handing out stickers.... And I tried to hand him a flyer and he thought I was bugging him for a sticker, Despite him handing me one earlier, So he threw them all up in the air..... And walked away. Not only is that disrespectful to the fan, But to Ernie ball, their sponsorship to you, And the city of Orlando, who had to pick up after you. There weren't fans around willing to appreciate the stuff enough to pick it up. I did ended up getting him to take the thing. But I bet you anything it was thrown out and never even looked at. Whatever I tried. I'm sorry that people out there love you, And worship the ground you walk on as if you left trails of gold behind. (which you don't) Because it obviously went to your head and made you lose sight of not only what life is, But what dreams were made of, And what musicians are supposed to be.
If you don't love the fans, or the attention they want to give you DON'T BE AN EFFIN MUSICIAN. gah damn. It's not that complicated to take the time to be a decent person.
It really sucks to be dealing with the bad side of the people in the scene, After all the luck I've had lately. But if anything it makes me appreciate the good apples in the bunch. I know now that there are good ones left out there, But it doesn't make the bad experiences any better. As a fan, it can be a total let down to see someone you loved and idolized act like that. I however wasn't a fan before, And definitely am not now. But due to the blog title it goes without saying to look at the situation In a place someone else might.
Although I could hardly see them due to being a short mofo and in the corner of the venue, Like moths To Flames killed it as well. And their set list was damn near perfect as well.
Learn your place, a feast for crows, the worst in me, GNF, the common misconception, I solemnly swear, and you won't be missed. I don't remember Chelsea grins set at all and because they were crap dudes I don't care to haha. But I do believe they played a few I knew and could Kind of understand. Which was cool and stuff. Wheteves. At least it was tolerable and somewhat enjoyable for me.
Although I don't drink much I wish I could have joined the fun of doing shots of fireball.
Gah it broke my heart not being able to. And they had a jolly rancher shot that looked freaking amazing.
I have never let my blogs be thus bitter or opinionated. The negativity is poison. But I'm so passionate about this I refused to just sit back and watch it all happen without talking about it. I'm not going to be fake, Especially not on here where it matters the most. And I'm sorry to those who are fans of these bands and don't like what they're hearing. Think what you will, But these guys don't deserve your support. (Mostly just sylar and Chelsea grin) I was told Sylar actually wasn't that bad, And even apologized to someone about the stand incident.... But It wasn't to me, which it should have been. And it wasn't heard by my own two ears, therefore I hardly trust it. I didn't like their set or their sound anyways.... So who cares I'll let it go And you should too. People I was with enjoyed them. And that's cool. The crowd seemed to be pretty entranced and into them so hey they must be doing something right. On stage that is.... It was great to meet new faces, and see some old ones. In all the night was great and I stayed the ray of sunshine the guys always need me to be for them. Even if I wasn't feeling my brightest. After hanging with new fans and friends, And goofing off as we loaded up, Kristian walked with me to my car, But first to a bar we couldn't get into.... Because downtown sucks and is mostly 21+ Bless his heat, he was so exhausted. And kept me calmer than EVER while I drove him home. Or well back to woffies house. He's the perfect fit for the band. Him being the youngest doesn't even affect the band. And now that burning embers, His old band, Is no more. He can commit his time and energy and really give them his all.
It really feels like it was meant to be all along. He already feels like family to me. And always will. I hadn't gotten the chance to spend much time with him, or even get to know him until this night. So it made driving out of my way worth it. Not that I minded in the slightest in the first place. I rather everyone get home safely. And happily. Band equipment can become pretty darn dangerous when crammed into a car. But yeah He said a lot to me that was taken to heart and really needed to hear to stroke my fire, and turn my sparks back into flames. No more running on empty, or letting the negatives win. It felt so weird coming home and going straight to sleep..... I always edit or write.... It felt like breaking a habit. But after being so worn out the sleep was needed more than anything.
It was amazing to see my dudes play alongside huge bands that they know and love. I can only imagine how they must have felt.... Just being there and apart of it all made me so proud and happy. We're blessed. Or at least I am to have such heartfelt talented guys in my life.
~ To be continued...... Into Saturday. But first..... photos.
Oh man I almost forgot.... One of the biggest misfortunes of the night, The night before this show, Luke holland Twa's drummer Who's also very popular on YouTube, Stepped in a pothole and messed up his foot. So even though he was there, He couldn't play. Dropped off the tour, and flew home for rest, doctors visits and to make sure everything was okay. I believe his drum tech filled in for him and will continue to do so until he is healed and can return to touring. Wishing him a fast recovery! I'm just really happy he was at least there. and that I was able to "see him"
He walked by twice and I attempted to speak to him....Like a human being.... but was shot down impatiently & immediately. The guy with him just shouted NO PICTURES the whole time they were walking. Like dang dude chill I just wanted to wish him well. Much love and PMA vibes. ~Chyster
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