Where I belong

Where I belong

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

A night @ Bombshells Tavern with The Things They Carried & Until My Last Breath.

I have this thing where I like to get attached to people in bands that aren't locals, And this show was no different. I felt like a friend first. And not many bands can make me feel that way these days they're second to none. So, It still blows me away when bands treat their fans as people. Supportive, loving, friends that are no different than them. There is no pedestal, Even if we're all guilty of putting them on one sometimes. We are all connected and without one or the other nights like these wouldn't exist.

Ya know? It's like a 360 , The band gives their all and the fans give it back to them in return. It's something that if done right, keeps on giving.
Whether it be in buying merch /tickets, singing, dancing, moshing.  whatever floats your boat. But,Without the fans Bands can't get very far, and meeting ones who are not only acknowledging this but taking it the extra mile to make it known that they're appreciative makes me want to go on a rooftop and hoot & holler about them. 3tc And umlb are those kinds of people. The animal in me was as well, From what I got a sense of at the end of the night anyways. I'm not the biggest fan of girl singers..... In fact I hate most of them. But dang Laura has got pipes. And he stage presence is like nothing I've ever seen before.

Not only was their sound unique, But their ways about the stage were as well. interacting with the crowd as much as possible, Taking hats, glasses, and hugging / pulling fans up onto the stage. At one point the whole crowd was up there, They made sure of it.  I could have done without the strobes however.... They gave me the worst headache I've had in awhile and kind of killed my shots.
(Of the things they carried, because they used them as well... I didn't shoot the animal in me unfortunately. Because of said headache.)

Go figure guys, I pulled a Chyster and made it to bombshells super duper early. But I always make sure to allow time for traffic, and stops if needed.
I  wanted to be there early anyway, to plan out doing an Interview with the boys. But not hours before doors open.  Some days driving is easy, And others not so much. It's still very much a struggle But one I'll never give up on again. And luckily for me 3tc Had just arrived.

Back to the interview thing.... I had it all planned out, But following my (newly found) tradition, Going to the Mexican place before the show happened, They trusted my suggestion on it, And even said it was the best meal of tour. *coughs You're welcome coughs* And we casually talked. Most of which included the things I had prepared to ask, brought up by Steven, And it felt like having dinner with friends I haven't seen in ages.  Which was pretty much true. Despite hardly knowing them or their personalities until now. The last time I saw them. At the Alesana show last November, Due to my friend being sick I wasn't able to get time to hang. But they made such an impact on me even then, That I was ecstatic for this show. It made up for the last one and then some.

I really loved their energy on stage, And the fact that this time around I had more of a knowing about them and their songs. It was pretty rad to see Steve rocking his Alesana hat and one eyed doll shirt on stage. It's pretty normal to see bands rocking their own merch, But it's not often that you'd see dudes cool and supportive enough to wear someone else's.

Don't quote them, Or me on any of this, Because I'm going solely by memory for this part. But dinner conversation was some of the best I've ever had. It was small talk. without having to talk about the weather, Which uh I think we did actually. It was a gorgeous Florida night out. And they were LOVING IT. I didn't get much time with jesse,  he skipped out on dinner due to family being there, But he was great too. I had no idea he was even from Florida. Something happened to him during the third song of their set, and  because of that it was cut short...But he did what he could and pushed through it. Could hardly even tell that anything was  wrong until he walked off the stage. It's the first time something like that has ever happened to him on stage. And I'm praying that it doesn't happen again.

Kinda got side tracked here, But in reality there's not much more for me to say about our dinner.
Topics included them being Officially added to revival recordings. How it happened, And what that meant for them. Such as their debut EP coming out on June third titled Melancholia.  It will be the first recordings out there with the band as is now. How cool is that? After all this time, They're finally getting to put out more tunes, And even some amp'd up remastered old ones.
Together as they are now. That's pretty exciting. I couldn't be more stoked for them. And to hear it.
I think sound wise it will stick true to their sound and what they're all about. With heaviness, story type lyrics, and meldolics. Things I look for, and love about a band. That's part of what drew me to these guys. They fit in very well with revival, but still have their own sound and way to them.

I can't remember how it got brought up but one of my questions which was prepared was what are some of the places you'll avoid at all costs, and won't go to. It got us talking about sketchy mom and pop diners or restaurants in the middle of nowhere. They're pretty smart dudes and mentioned googling reviews before checking out places. One bad experience at burger king has sworn them off of it forever. And I don't blame them. One bad experience is enough to keep you away from things for a lifetime!

I found out about these guys in a way not many would expect, But months back Before the Alesana show/ tour that they were on I got a message from The singer Steve, About the band and saying he was looking forward to seeing me at the show. Coming from him, And not a third party, Grabbed my attention, baited me in and after that I was hooked. Such an amazing thing using social media to your advantage like that. It is everything. Staying connected and reaching out to the fans
IS EVERYTHING. To me at least. But again i'm a personable person. I want to be able to know the bands i'm into. It fuels the love of music for me.

During dinner I decided to pick up a soda, but was too awkward to ask for a bottle opener. Ronny took it upon himself to try and open it WITH HIS EYE. And dang it I believed him haha. But in reality he did crack it.... Enough to make it explode all over me haha. But it made me loosen up and just be like eh whatever happens, happens. Ronny was my bud throughout the night, Always filling my silence with a story of tour or life. I eat things like that up. Nothing makes me happier than tour stories. I'm not sure where to take this.... The closer I get to a band, the harder it seems to write about it.

When walking out of the restaurant the dudes  in Until my last breath  who drove all the way from naples! (holy cow) were waiting for me in the parking lot! Okay they weren't actually waiting for me. But they did give me the warmest hello I've gotten in quite awhile. I'm not used to being remembered, or known. So hearing my name shouted and getting hugs from people I thought hardly knew who I was felt great. Umlb have very easily become some of my favorite people to be around. And are a "local" favorite of mine.
I mean at least they're still a Florida band, that counts as local enough right?
( But even the dudes in the things they carried are missed already. I'll be here patiently awaiting their returns. And Wish them the best of luck on the last leg of tour. )

Although we had a bit of a debate about a photo of us that doesn't exist. If they thought I was someone else then, they definitely know the difference now. At least I'd hope that they do. haha
 I'm not usually the biggest fan of bands that don't have clean vocals. And although I wouldn't mind them adding some, these dudes pull it off well so I'll make that exception for them. They're a lot like the knowing within, Personality wise that is. Which is probably why we get along so well. They can throw the eff down on stage but are total sweet hearts. Nerds. Total effing nerds they are. d:
  I'm looking forward to watching them grow. And for the day when I can listen to more of their music. whether it's online or on a CD / EP. I love their songs. And I want to be able to jam them all duh timezzzzzz. Like no pitty from the pavement! At least I think that's the name of it, But for now, Those that would like to listen to them, Go here to peep one of their songs Written in stone  UntilMyLastBreath And be sure to like them / check out their facebook  ---> here UntilMyLastBreath  They're really dope dudes and they deserve support! Not only because they have a great unique sound about them, with great lyrics to back it. But because they're a freaking fantastic group of dudes. They love what they do. And it shows. I got suckered into helping them unload / set up. And ended up holding the back door open for what felt like ever. But you know me. I love that. I'm always down to lend a helping hand. I mean I refuse to just stand there, If i'm around when they're doing something, and are willing to let me help I'll do it. And I'll love it.

As always at bombshells I wish the crowds were bigger. But  these bands  (all of them)
didn't let that stop them from putting on a great show. It doesn't matter if they're playing for two people, two hundred. or two thousand they're gonna give it their all and I appreciate that. I'm finding my place in this scene slowly but surely. And one of these days. Everything I have in the works will all make sense. I refuse to let this dream go. This is where I've found my sense of belonging. This is where I was meant to be. Not necessarily meaning just bombshells. But more or less just with the people, bands, and things. Ya know? Big shout out and thanks to everyone who's gotten me to this point. And helps me to feel like this. I wouldn't be driven, or keeping this blog up if it wasn't for you.

And because I had the pleasure of seeing Umlb again on Friday at west end  here's more photos from that!

 It was really great to hang with these dudes in my neck of the woods d: Although I wouldn't mind another trip down there sometime soon..... I really miss it. 
 Cough Cough Wink Wink ;)

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