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The Prestige & Living In Dissonance dropped due to unknown circumstances. |
Hi my name's Cheyenne and I always end up at venues way WAY too early. Oh yay for anxieties! Or maybe just being over prepared for anything And everything that could possibly happen. But somehow this always ends up working out in my favor. Depending on venue anyways. So maybe I should keep it that way ha. This time around when I arrived at bombshells the dudes in The funeral portrait (And Bermuda) were already there. I felt awkward for being there so early and went to walk past them to hide inside until people I "knew" got there. But Lee wasn't having any of that. He called me over, hugged me, And pulled me out of my shell by making simple conversation.
Side note I always forget how dang tall he is until he's standing in front of me. It feels like talking to freaking captain america. In the sense of like he seems like an inhuman soldier built and reconstructed to take over the world? He talked to me for quite a bit throughout the night, which I admired.
But very shortly after noticing my surroundings my attention was shifted to Chris Who was covered in hair, And being shaved in the parking lot. Hashtag Tour life. Am I right.
Running out of battery power in the shaver with half an arm pit left, Using paper towels and baby wipes was getting him nowhere so I suggested he go use the bathroom and then directed him towards them. He walked in the front door, Said oh no I've gotta go put on a shirt before I walk into this nice establishment. And so I followed him back outside and just stayed there. Did that awkward I have friends, and I'm texting them, I swear move and messed with my phone to fill the silence. I wasn't actually doing anything on it oops.... Sorry not sorry.
I was able to open up and turn another band into people I'd like to think I can no longer see as just a band, But as friends. Out of the three times I've seen them, this was the first I ever had the time to get to spend hanging out with them. Although the last time around we did talk a bit. This time everything just felt different. Maybe because for once I was actually talkative and enjoying myself while doing so.
Things were a little fluster cucked without Alex the promoter/ booker or whatever title he has,
being there but we made it work. Someway some how. I really missed him though. He's become a close friend of mine. And most shows I've been to since have been of me stuck to his side like glue. Taking it all in, learning the ropes kinda sorta not really, but in reality just spending most of my time annoying him. But it didn't help me being there so early as everyone started looking to me for information and answers I didn't have. Or maybe I tried to look like I knew my shit when I didn't and offered Who knows.
Sure I might be friends with who's in "charge" and yeah I might be learning a thing or two from him, But dang it don't put me on the spot like that. I wasn't filled in on anything. So I wasn't really sure how to help anyone besides telling them what I did know. Which was A who to ideas about doors, or who was running the door, or where bands could set up/ when. Blah blah What I did know however was that they were looking for who wasn't there, and that B I wasn't the one who they should be turning to. But I did my best. I guess.
Surprisingly I did pretty well if I do say so myself. I'm so used to stutters and things going wrong that when they don't the nights don't feel real. Kinda dreamy even. Although I had this weird feeling / vibe all night... And Having to force myself to take pictures and get myself to be the happy go lucky chyster everyone is used to. I'd say the night went well. Fake it till ya make it ayyyy.
Forever taken, Was up first due to living in dissonance dropping last minute.
Some of the best photos I had ever taken were of them at back-booth a few months back, I haven't seen them since. So saying I was stoked to see them would be an understatement. I was scared i'd miss them because I ran across the street to roll with traditions and get food. Getting take out, and only ordering soda's and chips. Double fisting those Mexican soda's That taste like heaven and trying to eat chips that tasted like cardboard was a struggle that was all to real.
But I made it back just in time to see them. Mostly because we got food to go and Ate there. Which was a weird feeling because despite being there a few days before hand all the furniture was moved. I hated it. Completely unfamiliarized a place where I had just gotten comfortable in.
Losing track here, which I seem to be good at. Sorry. back to the dudes in Forever taken.
It's a nice change of pace to see a band that's faithful, (not necessarily in the music but in their life) talented and heavy starting out so young and so strong.
They've been doing pretty well for themselves and just returned from their first tour. I'll admit though, they're not everyone's cup of tea. And are even a bit on the heavy side for me. But I still support them, and really dig their lyrics. Plus the presence they have on stage is phenomenal Which for me is enough to look past how heavy they are. I'm looking forward to continuing to watch them grow and see where god / life takes them. They're going to do big things one day.
I can feel it in me bones.
Next up was you guessed it, FamBam And total band Baes The knowing within.
What more can I really say about them that I haven't already!? Besides mentioning that Woffie (Austin) Wasn't there this time. And that kristian filled in on guitar, and did a fantastic job at it.
I've always loved his acoustic stuff. Which I got a snippet of while he warmed up & rehearsed in the parking lot before the show ;) hehe.
And had so much faith in him.
And had so much faith in him.
So seeing him on a guitar was cool. I knew he'd do a great job filling in. Plus he was on tim's guitar, which is one of the prettiest I've ever seen. I'm such a sucker for em.
(Guitars that is! Especially classic red ones ) it's been played by a lot of people as well..or so i was told. They probably thought it went terribly but in my opinion it went really well. And they were the best they could be under the circumstances they were under. Playing only believe to see Ep songs was a nice little throw back for older fans like myself. Despite my love for the new stuff, Those songs are what got me into the band, and started my love for them. Before the friendships happened. Not that the friendship took long. Haha They molded me into the group as if I was meant to be apart of it all along. And hey who knows maybe In was.
(Guitars that is! Especially classic red ones ) it's been played by a lot of people as well..or so i was told. They probably thought it went terribly but in my opinion it went really well. And they were the best they could be under the circumstances they were under. Playing only believe to see Ep songs was a nice little throw back for older fans like myself. Despite my love for the new stuff, Those songs are what got me into the band, and started my love for them. Before the friendships happened. Not that the friendship took long. Haha They molded me into the group as if I was meant to be apart of it all along. And hey who knows maybe In was.
There I was Middle of the crowd front and center singing my heart out. Hopefully no one heard me cause YIKES. haha, Oh Well, who cares. I was happy and that's what matters. That's my favorite spot in the whole world. Camera in hand, Trying to stay still and yet end up bouncing anyway. the moment, this moment.
Never fails to fill me back up, when I've been drained. And it makes up for all the bad things that can happen in life. All the stress all the hard work all the negativity. The list goes on.
Everyone has their escapes. And in a crowd full of people who probably feel the same way I do. Is where I belong. I love this live I've been making for myself. Slowly but surly I'm making a place and name for myself. And at the end of the day it's all thanks to these guys. Which unless you're new here you'd know by now.
Back to The Funeral Portrait, Oh man this was the best time I've ever seen them.
Which is odd for me to say, Because crowd and location weren't the best.
(Which me and lee actually talked a lot about. ) I've seen them with better sound and better stages.... But The experience for me was so good this time around that it just takes the cake I guess. I finally knew the words to the songs and could sing along, I had people around me amping me up to jump and get crazy. And even though I enjoyed myself photos were still taken and with good results? I absolutely love the show that these dudes put on every time they hop on that stage they pull you into the songs and the stories of them. A lot like how their sister band Alesana can be. Or well is. But still unique and of their own. Also I enjoy how lee takes the time to make sure the fans are interacting with him and enjoying the set. He handed my friend KiKI the mic for their last song and that was an amazing site to see. Watching a fan hop up on stage and get to take control like that made me hope that one day I'll have the balls to do stuff like that myself. If I could be so lucky. Ha. Depends on the bands / singers more so than me. But even when I know the dang words I tend to freeze up when the mic is in my face. Only times I catch myself not doing that is during TKW.
I've seen them so many times now, and know them so well that I trust myself to no longer mess up.
Although I did get pretty darn into the easy stuff like parts that anyone could sing along too d:
Also speaking of the lovely KiKi She brought myself and the dudes in the funeral portrait the best freaking brownies I've ever had. In the cutest little halloween-y boxes. With little notes and tied with bows all cute and everything. Oh man I squee'd so hard when I saw it. I'm so happy she included me in on it. Although I'm sure the dudes would've shared ;)..... Maybe.
Or if not uh One would just go missing eh? hehe.
Bermuda was up last. I don't want to judge or dis them. Because off stage they were some of the sweetest dudes I've ever met, And I enjoyed hanging with them too.
But uh I didn't like them very much. I kept to the back for most of the set. Which is why there's no photos of them unfortunately. I tried to support them and rock out in the front. As I take the time to try and do for every band seen. But I was A exhausted, and B just couldn't take the screams/ sound. I plan to take the time to try and get into them one of these days. Heavy music has never been my forte. But however I do love the emotion and lyrics that often times come out of it. I'm sure the lyrics are like-able I just need to give them more of a chance. They deserve it.
But I can only handle so much. Usually, I do like screaming and heavy bands when it's done a certain way? I dunno guess I'm picky.... Backup vocals that are clean, or when I can at least understand the screams help the cases/ strengthen the chances of my liking.
When unfortunately in this case I could not detect any of that.
Which sucks because again they were really great dudes from what I could tell.
I really only talked to one of them, because he took the time and made the efforts to talk to me.
Thanked me for holding the door for him (As they all did) Every time he went in or out. And at the end of the night thanked me for being there. blah blah blah. He had one of the greatest smiles I've ever seen and that made me feel like engaging in conversation. Is it just me, or are things like talking to new people easier when the other person seems so warm and inviting?
It seemed like Bombshell's creeps and weirdos were out in full force this night. Maybe that's why my vibes were so thrown off, But it being Friday didn't help their usually odd crowd. But it seemed worse than usual. Which made me feel really on edge and uncomfortable all night. I hated it so much, I'm always on edge when down there but it's never been this bad. I got hit on one too many times by dudes old enough to be my dad, And even the chicks around seemed a little off their rocker. Not to mention this dude in the parking lot, who hugged me without my permission, smelled terrible, Was probably drugged or homeless. Most likely both. AND WOULD NOT LET ME GO.
I was legit fearing for my life for a second. Of course it had to happen when nobody was around.
I don't always need someone to save me, But this was one of those moments when Ii really could have used the friend, or night in shining armor to come to my rescue. I slid out of it nearly getting stuck and choking myself, And then ran inside the door, the one I was holding, and the one he came out of.
Which is what threw me off originally. ???? I dunno..... What or why this happened. But it sucked.
I got myself into the situation thinking it would be a hell of a lot easier than it was to get out.Luckily, He eventually left. Thank god. But for awhile he wouldn't leave. So I ran from the door, to a group of people talking, back to the door, back to the people Until he left. I was perfectly fine helping the bands load in. I just wasn't comfortable alone. Or well alone around him. Despite people now being in a distance close enough to help if I needed. Not sure why they did't catch on and try to help but, I guess this was one of those situations that should help me learn life lessons from my mistakes. But probably won't ever stop me from doing something dumb like that again. Because I'm not the brightest when it comes to judging peoples characters.
After the set and Bermuda's We took some of the greatest pictures to ever exist in my life.
For me photography has always been about capturing the moments. And oh baby did these "seflies" do just that. Lee whipped out the biggest selfie stick I've ever seen and just snapped away.
Capturing and ending the night perfectly.
That and the best dang burger I've ever had. Surprisingly coming from dennys?????
I was starving, and it was pretty late. Both bug factors of why it was good. But I'm still pretty stoked on it, days later. haha. Sometimes it's the little things in life that mean the most. Hold onto moments like this if you have them. Because I know I surely will.
Learn to live in every moment, Take what's close to you and hold it.
(To stick with something I do kinda often oops. And end on a quote from The Knowing Within.)
This is why you never give Lee your phone. But I love these photos so I uh suggest it? |
Dem feels when the funeral portrait leaves. </3 |
Eye-m watching you, ALWAYS watching!...... Ten house points to anyone who catches that quote lol. Hint it's Disney cause duh. |
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Laughter is the best medicine. Also I'm convinced Chris doesn't down a shirt. |
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Mama Kiki spoiled us. |
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The selfie that started it all.... d: |
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If i'd have used my camera These photos could have been awesome. |
~Chyster Over and out. Ps sorry the last photos came out so huge, The bigger the better tho yeeeees?
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