Last weekend, i was lucky enough to make it out to my favorite band's show. Alesana will be near and dear to my heart no matter what happens or how much my music senses change. I was happy to see them again. Getting hugs from jake made me supes happy. I was Front and center again. Screaming my lungs out until my heart was content. Unfortunately my camera AND phone both died on me which sucked so much but regardless i was super happy to have gone.
The local opening bands were so much better than i expected and i honestly love them so much now. One of them is a favorite band of mine lately. I find myself singing their songs through out my day. And it's rad that their local And as fate has it... I was able to see them again this weekend.They played a show at west end with my friends brothers band and i was invited last minute. I love that venue so much. It's such a great atmosphere for local starting up bands.
(And not so local bands like Richard and Justin who played there last month lol ) That and it helps being merely minutes from my house. I was kind of pissy that they had an up charge of $3 for under 21..... but i paid up and got over it. The shots i got of bothering Dennis and believers of exile made it worth it in the end.
Next weekend i'm hoping to shoot the knowing within, I met their front man Tim at the Alesana show and things just fell into place. Proving to me that things happen for a reason. We talked a bit and i went home and looked up his band. I seriously haven't stopped listening to them. I just can't get enough of the few songs they have posted. The lyrics and sound are so original and relate-able. I have a feeling that even if things don't pull through and i'm not guest listed i'll still try and talk my dad into going to the show because i'm itching to see them. They're right up my alley musically without sounding too much like anything else I've ever heard and lemme tell ya shit like that aint easy.
The weekend after that is the A day to remember parks and desperation tour finally ^_^ I can't wait! The lineup is perfection. And all the bands slay so hard on stage. I'm freaking stoked to see them all again. Hoping that the sold out last night of tour show is as great as the day before....Because oddly enough they're playing two nights in a row!?.... which is rad tbh. I wish tickets for both days were cheaper because i'd be all over that like white on rice brah,
But anyways because i'm proud-ish of them.... here's a few shots from the other night.

Here's a few of the Believers of exile As well. I gave up on editing them tho because the quality was getting so killed.

So in all i've had two eventful weekends and that makes me pretty darn happy. So here's to hoping my life stays like this! I defiantly dig being out and about as much as i have. It's kept me out of my head and out of my bed. Which is lovely. I've been really doubting myself and my life as of late. But nights like this keep me in check. It's hard to keep my head above water when i hardly feel or act my age.... But i'm getting there. I don't have any great photos from the Alesana show. I was shooting mostly from my phone and it died on me XD but even so none of the photos i got are blog worthy. Besides the ones with the band members but i didn't talk about that all that much so i'll just stick with not posting them. I loved all the bands that night And i'm happy to have gained memories and new bands to swoon over! d: Keep your eyes peeled. I'm hoping to report back next week, I'm hoping to have photos of the knowing within! If it works out that is.,... Fingers crossed but don't get your hopes up. (Basically a note to self on that lol dun wanna jinx it, or get to let down)