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I've been really stoked for this album.... I freaked out when i noticed it was on spotify Because it had just come out yesterday (9/23/14) I honestly wasn't expecting to be able to find it online anywhere except for like itunes which wouldn't work for me because i A want a hard copy and B don't have and iphone or my ipod anymore... haha. Yes i could have pre ordered but other things just seemed more import at the time.
I've been excited for this album for many reasons.
1 I was expecting good clean Matty vocals Which is exactly what we got from this album. <3
2 Bringing a better light to Christians and or christian/ religious music.
3 showing MMF {Memphis may fire} fans that there's someone / something out there for them and that they don't have to be alone in this life.
4 the album cover is his tattooed hands Bringing an album cover you normally definitely wouldn't see to the christian/ religious shelves and or sections of stores. Some of which maybe even being christian based stores!? Like how awesome is that!? Times are a changing. oh boy. It just proves to me that some Christians are loving and accepting like how we were made to be.
5.... Uh i had a five,,,, but it left my brain. *scratches head* Ah right i lost it because i mentioned it a bit in four. Acceptance. It says that people like me can be followers too. Maybe it's because i've found a church that i can feel comfortable and can be myself fully in... with no un dying fear of judgements. But i know that it's a big thing i always struggled with. Up until a few months ago i never felt like i was capable of religion. And once i got to a point of capability i thought no way could i ever be open about it... But here i am. Talking about it. Sure i still can't wear my Christianity on my sleeve next to my heart..... But i'm working on it., lol nobody's perfect. And it's okay cause we don't have to be. We are all sinners. Just accept it and move on. Realize that avoiding sin isn't all that the life of Christianity is about anymore.
(Maybe that's just my opinion tho.)
I'm gonna be honest here, At first listen i was pretty darn disappointed in the album because it's suggestive. On first listen it's like UH WAIT? ISN'T THIS SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT JESUS!?.... and i'm sure people who are looking for songs like that would agree with me. But then i remembered family force five, skillet, and switchfoot.... their songs can be taken the same way.
Depending on who's listening to them and what take they have on life and music. Upon a second listen it was easier to get a grasp on who/ what he was singing about. Which in a way is a good thing. For Matty at least lol because i can see a lot of MMF fans having bitch fits over him going off and singing on his own about Jesus. But come on guys just be happy he didn't change MMF and drag them down this road... Although if you listen closely you can pick up some suggestible things in their lyrics as well.
I am happy to report that i haven't seen any negative reviews yet... But the album is only a day old trust me they are coming. But with every album and with everything in life comes negative feed back. I'm just happy he took the leap. We've known for a long time matty's stance on things. But to go off on his own and sing about it!? that's a pretty ballsy step to take. Maybe it'll help change peoples outlook on life, And views on religion. I'm living proof that not every bible thumping Jesus lover is a closed minded a-hole who will shove it all down your throat while looking down on you when they're not any better off than you are in the end tbh. Simply calling yourself a christian won't be what saves you. I'm getting off track here tho.... I didn't mean to ramble so much about my views. I'll get to my thoughts on the songs now.
See you in everything.
i finally saw you when i opened up my eyes, eyes. I breathe a glimpse of beauty I cannot describe. Now i'm alive. Oh how can i deny it's so obvious I see you in everything. See you in everything. Just to see your face i gave it all away. now you show me everyday, You show me everyday. How can i deny. i see you in everything. see you in everything. i gave it all away just to see your face now you show me everyday. My selfish heart made it hard to recognize the light. But you sought after me with grace so i could rise and find. You are the evidence of all that never ends and now i am free for the first time in my life. <~ lyrics.
Very uplifting and full of praise. I love it. Honestly it's so unique and different but still so soulful and full of life. The more i listened to it.... To get the lyrics typed up i started to like it way more than 99% which was my favorite, And now I see it just as religious as the other. See again. You have to listen to things a lot to understand them sometimes. Speaking of which I see myself listening to this album a lot.
My dear. i'll admit.... PARTS and LINES of this song yes obviously religious and "suggestively about god. But ya know again.... it can be taken as if singing about someone/ something else
It's kind of a reassuring song? One i see myself turning to when i feel like god's not there, or if i feel like i'm "talking to myself" or and imaginary friend even. It'll remind me that I'm wrong. And that i can turn to him at anytime and he will hear me. And he will care for me. I am never alone for he is with me. (i'm getting lazy. No lyrics for you. Too long to add some from every song. Just go listen k?)
Right here right now.
eehhhh It's okay i don't have much to say... Maybe i should listen to it more until an opinion forms ahah, I like that he sings about gods perfect timing, Because I've been struggling with that a lot lately.
More of you.
Singing about things becoming clear, And wanting to chase and crave being more like him. About being shown the way and giving up control of life. He rules all. He knows all. Loving him because of knowing he first loved you.... It's a pretty on point song.
Speak to me.
Acknowledging that he's always near. And remembering that signs and proof of this is everywhere and often in everything we see and experience. About wanting to accept know and see these things. He is the only one you "need".... Keep your ears and eyes open.
Back to square one.
Depends on how you look at it. And that's just another reason to love it. Anyone can like and love these songs. They don't fit into a box and they don't have to. It's pretty great that i can sing for / about god without having to sing about the cross or about things that can't be taken any other way no matter how you look at it. Because sure yeah that's how most praise songs should be... BUT THEY GET OLD. And fast. You try singing about the same things in a million different ways trying to praise and get back to me about how you feel with it not being 100% Jesus Jesus Jesus....
(the bands i mentioned earlier come back into play here btw, Because ya know they're great too and successful and reach a lot of people....save a lot of people.... i truly believe this album will be like that too)
1% body 99% soul, i wanna look like you talk, like you know you more. 1% body 99% soul, make me more like you come on and make me. I remember a time when i never thought i believe. A prisoner to myself like everyone else. thinking life was about me. but then i figured it out.....
( took time to type out lyrics on this one...)
Golden. Just golden ahh. this song hits me in ways none of the others seemed to. Every song seems to relate in different things and ways. It's fantastic. I see myself running to this album all the time. I've been really into Christian music lately. I'll admit that. It makes my heart happy. So i turn to it a loooooooot. Times have been tough in my head. I've been on a total roller coaster..... But turning to god and or listening to songs that praise him have helped me and my life so much. Things still get hard but i ruly believe i'm in a much better place than i would've been if i hadn't of re accepted religion into my life.
I've even strayed off and on the path a few times this year. But so far so good. I'll be allowed to stray. But I'll never be let go. I haven't re touched on this subject since my skillet post. Because ya know. I don't talk about it often. Or shove it down peoples throats, I want people to read this blog. And i want people to like it. But i also want to be proud of who i am. And truthful about who i am. Afterall it is MY blog. sooooooo if you'r not into this kind of thing i am sorry. Don't let my few posts including these subjects turn you away from everything else. I'm a people pleaser and i know being a christian won't ever be popular. But i'm not going to let myself blend into the crowd just to be liked. My thoughts and my opinions flow freely here. Hopefully my readers are okay with that. If there are any. Ugh crap i did it again..... SORRY I LIKE TO RAMBLE OKAY.
Come alive.
Another great one. One i see myself turning to when i need to keep the fire inside of me alive, When i need to remember what i'm here for. Remember what i want and need to do, Here's another one that works well for anyone. It doesn't have to be about whatever matty is intending it to be about. This is one of the songs on the album that you can have your own take on.
By my side,
It's uhm... it's got a really nice opening. And the sound of it is great. But i don't like the lyrics as much. I don't think the song really fits into the album as much. He sings
We take long drives. no destination in mind. And i don't care where we're goin as long as you're by my side. right by my side is so right.yeah i found the missing piece to my puzzle the first time i saw those dark brown eyes. Now everything i dream of you bring to life oh i I am yours and you are mine. You complete me. I am completely satisfied.
Gonna go out on a limb here and say he's singing about his wife Brittany??? Cause like.... that mentality is the only way i can take this song seriously without laughing. He sings about waking up next to you, And kissing (okay not kissing nbut kind of!? ) blalah blah.... Yeah i think i'm right on this one. Do you?.... Update he posted a video and yes yes the song is about britt xD
I was going by Oh i'll only talk about a few songs... But then i decided to touch base on 1-11....sorry it might be long, also bare with me here on the lyrics I'm going by ear. Also if you read all this.... Bless you. Bless you for wasting your precious time on my thoughts and opinions. i'd skim through it or ignore it if I were you i wouldn't read it all either. But hey i really appreciate if you do.
Normal like you.
Another song that's all about perspective. I honestly don't understand it or feel it as much as all the others. It has a few great lines, But in all i kind of dislike it... Because it doesn't flow with the album and the lyrics aren't as strong as the others.
Oh hey look last one, Lucky you.
Probably one new comers who don't know matty or mmf and are looking at this solely from a religion perspective will like the most. Like if i picked this album up randomly off the shelf of a christian store i'd probably say this was the one that fit the mold the most. But again that's what i loved about the album. It doesn't fit. BUT IT DOES. The song is a great end to the album as a whole. It's about christ's return. This one is probably the only song that would annoy a MMF fan that bought the album just for matty and doesn't look at it the way he does / the way i do.... Like if i had found this album over a year ago i'd be annoyed with the song and just be like uh yeah oookkaaaayyy
*skips every time*
I want a hard copy of this album fer sure. It's a life changer.... and a game changer. I hope he is able to inspire Fans, Christians, And musicians alike with this album. It's already impacted me, And it's only been in my life for a day.
Stream it here..... https://play.spotify.com/album/44ZRraY7vbaJwtINWSLhp6 You're welcome and goodnight ~chyster.
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