the title pretty much spells this post out, WHERE THE HELL DO I GO FROM HERE?
I'm sorry that I don't update this as much as i should, but what is one to say when she doesn't do anything?
my last concert was in April and my next one isn't for 46 (this was an old draft so it's now 22) days AND IT'S KILLING ME. One does not simply get noticed sitting at home doing nothing with her life all day, Sure I talk to bands and I try my best to get to more shows but I'm not getting anywhere with this. I'm stuck and i don't know what to do to well get unstuck. Guess only time will tell... But for now let me update you on a few things! I turned 16 a few weeks ago and i finally got to convert to canon!!! I'm now a very proud owner of a t3i canon rebel DSLR camera ~smirks~ remember how I mentioned I've got a new concert coming up I'm going to see Marilyn mason and rob zombie!!!!!!!!!!!!! meeeeeeeeeps~ it still feels so unreal I've waited to long so so soooo long for these guys to come back and it's finally happening<33 now that I've gotten those few things out of the way how about i catch you guys up with some new photos?
thru the eyes of a fan indeed..
Hiding from reality
belle on ice!
self portrait ish...
and again xD
new camera!~
my niece and her freckles.
lays potato chips
one of the Flagler beach fire fighters
and again~ from my two week photo camp!
old bug
awesome new zeland model i think? forgot her name though/:
and last but not least my dirty mirror and my camera. who's the fairest photographer of them all?
Where I belong

Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Lost in the Middle is an alternative rock band from Columbia,South Carolina. Not to far off from myself here in Florida, They've given me the pleasure of previewing a few tracks off of their acoustic album coming out oct 27th hope and calamity.
After sitting here for awhile listening to the songs i was sent I'd say World I See is my favorite of this album it's very realatable (at least to me it is) and it has the perfect mix of slow bits and softer harder bits and most songs aren't like that anymore i think that's why i'd recommend this CD so much you really can't find good acoustic music like this any more. Or any music like that really.
Most songs blend together and start to sound the same but with lost in the middle every Part of every song is different and i love that. about them.
The band is made up of Richard Strater -Vocals/Guitar
Stephanie Hornsby - Guitar
Zach Dance- live bass
Richard Strater- here's the link to contact the band about booking shows , or if your a label looking for someone to sign. here's the band website if you'd like to know more about their upcoming album/ tours in the future. <--- the band's facebook for photos, tours, and music. the youtube channel full of songs recorded from previous shows!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
My Minds Acting worse than a wreck at NASCAR Tonight. And Yet No words are being typed out to form Proper Readable sense filled sentances.
I really Can't complain about anything as of lately.
I made it through my heLL i Kicked the Asses Of all my demons, and met up with my angels To Get into a concert made for only the gods of Gods. it was Simply BLissFuL. I Was in my element, Body filled with Rage and true pure teenage angst. nothings better than becoming friends With strangers and Getting squished Between tons of the sweaty people whom you've helplessly Become surrounded By,Even if Your with your extremely over protective slightly intoxicated Dad and his clingy Thinks I'm still Five years old Best friend. And That's Only a short part of my story.Let's get Back to My point here, music is and Always will he my religion.There is a God There is a red horny devil Living below us surrounded By fire With three Songs and Hitler for a maid, Or so i've been told ;) Even Outside of my religion Our religion this religion, these things do exist Although I truly believe Every ones Views On these things are farther than the truth than the truth itself.
I know that Everyone see's things differently But in this case The Bands I Love the most are The gods. Or so it seems and the crappy over populated bands these days are obviously Stan the man downstairs and his eviL minions Of Horribleness.
But then again Some people Might see my gods as the devil and my demons as the angels sadly that's what makes the world keep turning. I'm Not joking about this, I really do see this as A religion. I don't worship you Or Your so called God And I don't worship Satan, I worship Myself and the people who get Me when I can't even grasp getting myself. I treat Concerts Just Like You'd Treat your church services. And Don't get me wrong I do go to church, i do so truly believe in the supernatural un worldly elements of heaven and hell. Here's How i see things, You listen to the Preacher, I listen To Myself and Mine. You Sing your Heart Out On your sleeve for the world to see simultaneously keeping your Head held higher than the heavens above, as do I, same as any Other, throw my hands Up in the air and Testify EveryTime every Damn time. After all why Go to a concert Just so sit down Or stand with no remorse. I do all these things with good intentions just as you do, Who Knows Maybe all of this is my stair way to heaven. Maybe all of this Gets me just as close to this so called god as your church does. Half of you people don't even deserve to call yourselves followers of god. You hide behind your religion I don't.We don't care about looks, or about how horrible you think the sound is.and we sure as hell are not Caring about How Bad the lack of oxygen is when your squished, Or in this case its worse because of the smokers You Get to a point where you rather Not breathe than Take in a deep wiff of that crap. This is all just apart of the magic.
CaLL me crazy if you may or will But You have no say in the matter. this is me and if You can't accept that I No longer need you in my Life please do me and yourself a favor and walk out now don't even finish this Just Go. Yours and No one Else's Judgment is Going to phase me anymore as of now nothing But what I think about Myself will truly matter, Surly I'm Still going to worry about what people are saying and what people are doing But it's not going to make nearly the impact it has made just as it used to.All I know is time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum Swings. I'm done wasting my time over thinking This I'm happy and I need to that i'm Not the monster i Keep seeing myself as. I need stop this and see the beauty In Me inside and out
. Yesterday I had the privilege Of getting To Meet the Gods Of smack that I've Looked up to for as long as I could Remember. Please Take Note that when I say this I'm Obviously Speaking of the pure geniuses In Godsmack, although I didn't Get to meet them face to face hearing there HeartFelt testimony Was good enough for little old me. Seeing them With My Dad standing tall next to Me was One of the Best Highs I've ever experienced, Now that could have been Coming from the fact that the only air I could breathe was extremely over populated By the huge Clouds of smoke and fog, Weed is such a weird thing. But I'd say this was coming from all of the emotional Things I've Gone through In my Life, I stood there Not only jumping But screaming At the top of my lungs.
Whilst Inside my head my brain was processing everything My dad has ever said to me, My brain was also thinking about what he's been through and what I've been through And then Everything was Silent. In my head that is I couldn't Even remember the words to the songs for awhile it was so peaceful To know that even surrounded By Loud pot smoking strangers, I could feel the silence not only that But I could feel the music Pumping through my veins heading on a passageway On a road Strait to my heart.these Bands and my dad have had the biggest impact On my life and for that I'm forever grateful even when I'm not showing it very well. and This My friends And imaginary Blog readers Is my so called Life, and a very small Portion Of how I see it and the other Lives around me and if your Out there somewhere Reading this Know your Oh so lucky To be alive, know I love you just for being here reading this, and please Note I'm always here for you if and when you need me~Chyster.
find me ;D
singing my heart out in the crowd<3 life was so perfect on that fine saturday.
I made it through my heLL i Kicked the Asses Of all my demons, and met up with my angels To Get into a concert made for only the gods of Gods. it was Simply BLissFuL. I Was in my element, Body filled with Rage and true pure teenage angst. nothings better than becoming friends With strangers and Getting squished Between tons of the sweaty people whom you've helplessly Become surrounded By,Even if Your with your extremely over protective slightly intoxicated Dad and his clingy Thinks I'm still Five years old Best friend. And That's Only a short part of my story.Let's get Back to My point here, music is and Always will he my religion.There is a God There is a red horny devil Living below us surrounded By fire With three Songs and Hitler for a maid, Or so i've been told ;) Even Outside of my religion Our religion this religion, these things do exist Although I truly believe Every ones Views On these things are farther than the truth than the truth itself.
I know that Everyone see's things differently But in this case The Bands I Love the most are The gods. Or so it seems and the crappy over populated bands these days are obviously Stan the man downstairs and his eviL minions Of Horribleness.
But then again Some people Might see my gods as the devil and my demons as the angels sadly that's what makes the world keep turning. I'm Not joking about this, I really do see this as A religion. I don't worship you Or Your so called God And I don't worship Satan, I worship Myself and the people who get Me when I can't even grasp getting myself. I treat Concerts Just Like You'd Treat your church services. And Don't get me wrong I do go to church, i do so truly believe in the supernatural un worldly elements of heaven and hell. Here's How i see things, You listen to the Preacher, I listen To Myself and Mine. You Sing your Heart Out On your sleeve for the world to see simultaneously keeping your Head held higher than the heavens above, as do I, same as any Other, throw my hands Up in the air and Testify EveryTime every Damn time. After all why Go to a concert Just so sit down Or stand with no remorse. I do all these things with good intentions just as you do, Who Knows Maybe all of this is my stair way to heaven. Maybe all of this Gets me just as close to this so called god as your church does. Half of you people don't even deserve to call yourselves followers of god. You hide behind your religion I don't.We don't care about looks, or about how horrible you think the sound is.and we sure as hell are not Caring about How Bad the lack of oxygen is when your squished, Or in this case its worse because of the smokers You Get to a point where you rather Not breathe than Take in a deep wiff of that crap. This is all just apart of the magic.
CaLL me crazy if you may or will But You have no say in the matter. this is me and if You can't accept that I No longer need you in my Life please do me and yourself a favor and walk out now don't even finish this Just Go. Yours and No one Else's Judgment is Going to phase me anymore as of now nothing But what I think about Myself will truly matter, Surly I'm Still going to worry about what people are saying and what people are doing But it's not going to make nearly the impact it has made just as it used to.All I know is time is a valuable thing, watch it fly by as the pendulum Swings. I'm done wasting my time over thinking This I'm happy and I need to that i'm Not the monster i Keep seeing myself as. I need stop this and see the beauty In Me inside and out
. Yesterday I had the privilege Of getting To Meet the Gods Of smack that I've Looked up to for as long as I could Remember. Please Take Note that when I say this I'm Obviously Speaking of the pure geniuses In Godsmack, although I didn't Get to meet them face to face hearing there HeartFelt testimony Was good enough for little old me. Seeing them With My Dad standing tall next to Me was One of the Best Highs I've ever experienced, Now that could have been Coming from the fact that the only air I could breathe was extremely over populated By the huge Clouds of smoke and fog, Weed is such a weird thing. But I'd say this was coming from all of the emotional Things I've Gone through In my Life, I stood there Not only jumping But screaming At the top of my lungs.
Whilst Inside my head my brain was processing everything My dad has ever said to me, My brain was also thinking about what he's been through and what I've been through And then Everything was Silent. In my head that is I couldn't Even remember the words to the songs for awhile it was so peaceful To know that even surrounded By Loud pot smoking strangers, I could feel the silence not only that But I could feel the music Pumping through my veins heading on a passageway On a road Strait to my heart.these Bands and my dad have had the biggest impact On my life and for that I'm forever grateful even when I'm not showing it very well. and This My friends And imaginary Blog readers Is my so called Life, and a very small Portion Of how I see it and the other Lives around me and if your Out there somewhere Reading this Know your Oh so lucky To be alive, know I love you just for being here reading this, and please Note I'm always here for you if and when you need me~Chyster.
find me ;D
singing my heart out in the crowd<3 life was so perfect on that fine saturday.
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