Lost in the Middle is an alternative rock band from Columbia,South Carolina. Not to far off from myself here in Florida, They've given me the pleasure of previewing a few tracks off of their acoustic album coming out oct 27th hope and calamity.
After sitting here for awhile listening to the songs i was sent I'd say World I See is my favorite of this album it's very realatable (at least to me it is) and it has the perfect mix of slow bits and softer harder bits and most songs aren't like that anymore i think that's why i'd recommend this CD so much you really can't find good acoustic music like this any more. Or any music like that really.
Most songs blend together and start to sound the same but with lost in the middle every Part of every song is different and i love that. about them.
The band is made up of Richard Strater -Vocals/Guitar
Stephanie Hornsby - Guitar
Zach Dance- live bass
Richard Strater- litmofficial@hotmail.com here's the link to contact the band about booking shows , or if your a label looking for someone to sign.
http://www.lost-in-the-middle.com here's the band website if you'd like to know more about their upcoming album/ tours in the future.
http://www.facebook.com/lostinthemiddle <--- the band's facebook for photos, tours, and music.
http://www.youtube.com/user/LITMbandsc?feature=watch the youtube channel full of songs recorded from previous shows!
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