Honestly I'm having another hard time trying to write about this so bare with me as I try my best to put such an amazing day into words.
A few weeks ago at an Alesana show, (which I previously mentioned a bit in my last entry) I had the pleasure of meeting Tim front man behind local Alternative band "The knowing within"
Because I can't not mention her in this, I also met his friend Romina who is simply lovely. d: If you take the time to make the connections i swear you'll meet the best people at concerts. I've come to realize this. Some of the best people in my life have come through music.
They popped up behind me just before Megosh came on and their happiness rubbed off on me and got me to loosen up a bit. I was alone at the moment so it was great to have people make the effort to reach out to me with conversation and smiles. Seriously these two have made my life by restoring my faith in everything I seem to know and love in life. Such as going to shows, Being a Photographer blah blah blah. Mushy gushyness aside I'm glad people like them still exist
**inserts heart emoji or something here**
After talking with them for a bit I knew i'd like the knowing within just by the way Tim presented himself and explained them to me, But after looking them up I was hooked! Luckily for me one thing lead to another and I ended up at the bands next show.
Which I didn't expect to end up happening, But Tim went the extra mile to make it happen for me and I cannot thank him enough for not only giving me the opportunity to shoot him and his band but for meeting me and my mom at a Starbucks near where the band practices, Along with driving me home after the show. Without that I wouldn't have been able to make it out. And I would've ended up sulking in my room all night.
When I look at shooting a band, I never know what to expect but add a venue I've never been to, People I hardly know, And an intimidating professional photographer showing up into the mix and call it trouble. I was a total mess for the first hour or so. Kinda hoping nobody noticed that.
I started to feel suffocated and so out of place, At times I started to panic and I was scared i'd lose sight of myself & ruin everything. (Everything being the photos in which I was there to take.) Doubt and fear kept trying to creep in. I don't know how I managed to get back out of my head, But by the end of it all..... I'm happy to say I've never felt so surrounded by open minded, Encouraging, Inviting people. I'll never get over how well they formed me into their group for the night.
For someone who has such a hard time with things like that it meant the world to me to feel comfortable and wanted. I wasn't ignored or looked down upon for being different. It felt like the perfect fit for a night. But I hope that it wasn't a one time thing. I honestly feel like these are people I can now call friends, By my definition at least. And hope to see again in the future. It was such a change of pace to feel so alive.... so in the moment... so out of my head....
They're not just a band to me, They'll never be just a band to me.
But then again most of the bands I see myself really getting into like this never are. There's always that personal level that makes them more than just some band.
I was super stoked to finally make it out to a show at bombshell's, The venue was super dark but it added to the ambiance and if I wasn't focused on being there to shoot my vampire self would've loved it.
The music they played was super on point all night, We were all singing along With added Air guitar and drums totes just goofing off. It helped in getting amp'd for the show. Again such a great group of people! Have I said that enough? ahaha.
To keep on track with the honesty thing, Bombshell's is not in the best of locations. But Being able to hang out in the parking lot was really nice. Minus the dumpsters from the restaurant next to the venue... Ick. Take those out of the picture and it'd have been the perfect movie type setting. Like in one of those angsty teenage movies or something!?
The sun going down was gorgeous. And it was getting colder with every trip back outside. Which was just simply fantastic.
The venue was bigger than I expected... Didn't realize it until I decided to walk over to the other side to the bar at the end of the night. They even had a cute little mascot to sitting at the bar. She was a beautiful old Pitbull. can't remember her name tho, What a shame, She was just so sweet and cute!
Bombshell's has this total old bar vibe going on and I just dunno loved that.
So Homey and inviting. A place where you could kick back relax and just enjoy yourself.
I feel like the turn out of the night was pretty tiny which bummed me out a bit. But the people who were there all seemed to enjoy themselves and the music so it made it all worth it at least I think? I know Tim was sick but it didn't seem to mess with his voice all that much. Sure it was my first time seeing them so I have no comparison but he seemed to do pretty well regardless of the sickness. His stage presence was highly enjoyable along his interactions with the crowd. I'm happy to have been apart of such a night. I know it was big for him and to be included meant a lot to me.
On the way home in between listening to great CD's
(LIKE OH MY GOD HE HAS CD'S IN HIS CAR nothing beats CD's man. Technology can suck it)
And conversation I was asked who I thought the knowing within sounded like and I was so stumped. Never have I thought so hard about trying to compare and label a band.... But because I was asked I sat down and really thought about it.
They sound like a mix of so many different bands and things Which just adds to my love that's already formed for them.
If I was to zone in and label them I think I finally decided that they remind me of Chiodos but even then the sound resemblance isn't sever enough for me to wanna compare them. They also kind of remind me of a softer of mice& men In a lyrical sense more than sound. (Starting to think they also sound a bit like scary kids scaring kids Which makes 2009-11 cheyenne pretty happy.)
Speaking of lyrics.... that's what hooked me into them right of the bat. I can't get the songs out of my head.
I've been jamming them non stop for the past few weeks upon "discovering" them But i'm not complaining! I find myself quoting and using their lyrics in everyday life as well. It's been a total reminder of things I've needed more of in my life lately. The lyrics are catchy but have meaning behind them. So it's like getting a popular catchy song stuck in your head But better because it's sensible and heartfelt.
It's hard for me to find bands that I can get this into and the fact that they're not only local but have become "friends" of mine just makes them that much more special and meaningful to me. They're humble and personable. And I feel that no matter how big they get they always will be. That's just part of what they're all about. In my eyes at least.
They've brought back memories of drive A.... but better??? because not only are they local but I'm more mature. (lololol) Anyways,
This night was one of those once in a life time experiences personally that cannot be explained or put into words in a way that people could fathom or want to read.
But it surely won't ever be forgotten. And deserves to be talked about.
I hope i'm able to see & support these guys for a long time Along with the other bands that were there. Because take my word on this and believe it when i say Tim did such a great job putting together such a fantastic line up full of great music, And great people to match. He did such a wonderful job his first time putting together a show himself And the knowing within along with their first night ever headlining a show. Definitely didn't disappoint. Not to me anyway. Here's to their future! wherever it may take them count me in. d:
The Knowing Within
Tim Rardon: Vocals/Writing
Chris Colon: Bass/Keys
Austin "Woffie" Glick: Guitars
James Arran: Drums https://www.facebook.com/TheKnowingWithin
They say if you're good at something never do it for free.
But everyone has to start out somewhere. If you saw my reactions to every comment or photo re-post over the past few days You'd understand. After spending five days editing / deleting photos i finally got them all posted. And the feed back was just incredible. I never expected so many likes and comments on something I did and felt proud of. I woke up every day this week with a smile on my face and hope in my heart. And after being so lost in the darkness feeling like this feels like a fucking dream.
This isn't just a "job" It's my heart, And my life. If i'm not behind a lens it feels like i'm not living.
i'll be damned if I don't make it my goal in life to capture and seize these moments. I feel so on top of the world right now. I have seen my I repeat MY photos all over facebook and it gets me every time. Such a surreal thing to see people caring about something I did. Something I hold dearly. I keep wanting to pinch myself because surly this all must be just a dream Like all the others.
I cannot even begin to imagine how I would feel if I ever make it and start to get paid for taking photos. God forbid (maybe I should say willing?) I ever get to hop on tours, Man I'd probably have a heart attack before hand. Because it means that much to me. I've doubted myself long enough, It's time to break free and become everything I've always thought could only be possible in my dreams.
I started driving again, And this time around there's been less tension and fear. The world is at my finger tips.... I cannot wait to Stop holding myself back so I can reach out and grab it. Dare I say that this is the path of my calling? ;) Total play on words there. Nudge Nudge wink wink. hehes.
( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znc4DI-i6Qc ) <---
From Mortals To Monsters
Jon: Lead Guitar
Alex: Bass
Ryan: Guitar/Vocals
Tucker: Vocals/Synth
Jay: Drums
with guest appearance by Larry on guitar
Don't Feed The Birds
Guitar/Vocals- Sam Gonzalez
Guitar/Vocals- Stevie Ray Barns
Bass - Bryant Shank
Drums/Vocals- Esteban Santana
William Strickland-Guitars/Vocals
Justin Hadwin-Bass
Michael Hollinger-Guitars
Logan Newquist-Drums
{Btw if you see this, which you probs won't thank you Micheal for messaging me first and asking for photos. I wasn't paying attention and never caught the band name.... And it wasn't on the flyer because they filled in last minute. I was like OH CRAP WHAT DO I DOOOOO!? }
So I was putting off the shots, I was scared to check them anyway because they went on first. I was super nervous that I wouldn't have any good enough shots.... You guys were basically my time to mess with lighting and try to calm myself the frick down. Once I started to focus tho. And tried my best to ignore the other photographer and his flashes I got into the zone and really enjoyed myself. I hate using the flash, It makes me feel like a total douche. But the venue's lighting gave me no choice. I felt more comfortable doing so once the other flashes started going off. In the end i'm glad he was there because without him i probably would've gotten crap shots from not using a flash.
Shooting these guys was so much fun! So much energy and movements.
I hope to see / shoot these d00dz again in the future! Along with all of the others. I see myself following them all and keeping my eyes peeled for shows. I really loved the line up, All the guys sounded great, and had personalities and stage skills to match. Again, Tim did a really great job picking and putting together and can't wait to see what the next one is like! :D I feel like i've said that a lot. But I went in only caring about one band..... And left with a love for all of them. Which is rare and amazing I mean come on How often do you go to a show and leave liking all the bands????
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Straight up cheesein. d: |
And to end it, The more I stare at these..... The more I see "hotpgraphy" instead of photography. uh oops? I got bored with my logo and literally changed it in the middle of editing. I like it. But I can't stop over thinking it. I'm just hoping that it'll catch someone's eye and i'll be contacted for photos. I have this itch I can't scratch now. I just want to get out there and shoot. I've been really wanting to do some portraits too so hopefully I can set that up soon. I have never done something this big, And I can't wait to do bigger and better. I added a lot of photos. Sorry if it's a lot. I had a love for the shots. They captured the night in the moment as best to my abilities and I love that so much about photography. It gives me the reason to get out a live. I look through lenses. I live through lenses.
This night and all that followed gave me that drive to better myself and my life that was really needed. I'm looking forward to figuring out pricing, Reaching out, Going back to school, and just getting the frick out there<3 I can't thank you all enough for the support along the way. Each and every one of you mean something to me.
Whether you're reading this as a fan of mine, or a fan of one of the bands I thank you for taking the time to do so. And I hope you continue to follow my journey along the way. Much love.~ Chyster (Cheyenne Genest.)
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