There's so much to write i don't even know where to start, But I've gotta start somewhere right? Might as well make it the beginning
The tour was in Jacksonville and on my dads birthday so i thought no way in hell i'm going... But I wouldn't give up. And well here we are two days after. The drive was rocky we went to the wrong venue. But i used the GPS on my phone and we were at the right place in 20 mins tops. Sooooo, No biggie.
We got there and the doors were unlocked. And there wasn't a box office. So my dad being well my dad walked right in. And i'll be damned the manager let us wait inside the venue. It was so, So, SO weird and amazing for me. We started off in the first room which was no big deal to be in i mean it was cool and all but we were out of the way so i could see why they would't mind. Later moved on into the main stage room to creep and watch set up.... I WAS FREAKING OUT. Ya know on the inside. (; Until Shawn Milke walked by..... Because at that point i uh i lost it. Just ask my dad. i kept hitting his leg and uh kept whispering things.
My first VIP experience was so worth it. Not only did it come with a meet and greet that was so fantastic, But a tee shirt vip lanyards a poster and dog tags... The meet and greet alone would've been worth it honestly. Not that i'd really have needed it all the dudes expect Dennis came back out after the show..But anyways, All the Alesana dudes were so down to earth and amazing. I'll never EVER forget talking to them. Jake and Shawn mostly. i spent more time with them than i could've ever imagined or dreamed up.
There were two Local opening Bands, Both of which deserve some recognition. Abolish the relics and Blessing a curse. I wasn't expecting them to be there nor was i expecting them to be any good but i was wrong. They both had great unique sounds and put on a great show. Defiantly got my energy up and made me start to feel alive again. Although i was pretty hyped up already due to such a great few hours of fangilring on the inside. I mean let's face it, i watched fare well my love get ready and Shawn Milke walked passed me before he was "supposed" to. My dad deserves a few pats on the back for getting me inside so easily and early. Hoping to return to the megaplex Rocbar soon because it was a down to earth rad feeling / looking bar. Next up was Megosh they opened with Black is the new blonde I was a happy panda because i knew it. Or well remembered it haha. Hands and hearts were so great too. Let's just say i'm now a fan of ALL THE BANDS that are on the tour. including the Jacksonville local openers. and i'm happy to have new music to swoon over. I know all the dudes in farewell my love.... yet i only knew one song "mirror mirror" Ooops? but being barrier front and center helped me practice my lip singing... bwhaha. Get scared and Alesana kiled it. I was screaming and jumping the whole time. No wonder why i'm so sick now. I've been running away from this sickness all week it seems and it caught up to me the day after the show sadly.
I brought sour patch kids and reese's to Johnny In get scared Ran right upto him the first time he walked in during set up. He was busy but i asked him if he had a second... His reply? Maybe two seconds? So adorbz. But point is all the boys made me feel guilty for leaving them out and now next time i see them i'm bringing enough spk's for an army. bwhaha. I got a group photo WITH ALL OF THEM. Which made me so freaking happy. Joked around with them for awhile and even learned a few things from lloyed and loghan (fare well my love) and just ugh Take me back. I miss it. So much already. I became a totally different person by the end of the night. I was able to open up and actually TALK to people. Anyways,
At the end of the night we waited around because Jake was gonna drink with my dad for his birthday and although it never happened sadly...The conversation i stood in on between the boys was worth it. Jake was pretty blah at the end of the night and started having a sentimental moment about how much the band meant to him and that they were like family to him. Their band manager even came over with Melissa (Shawn's sister, Guest vocals for some alesana songs, and the managers partner) on skype for a moment and i awkwardly hid behind them while they talked. ahaha it was funny. Made me feel a tad creepy and annoying but hey they didn't mind. I feel like i should shut up now... But there's still so much to tell. My dad was able to help me get at least one pic from each band..... and even Alesana's drum stick. :3 And there's still so much running through my head to talk about. Lets not even go into how energetic my dad was... he kept shouting and at one point dennis reacted on stage and i lost it... Also sang this conversation is over with dennis shoving the mic in my face.... xD i wanted to cry. Not even kidding. Anyways...
So uh let's add photos shall i? Sorry none of these are really all that great photography wise. Hope you won't mind.
A pic from EVERY BAND. c; |
Farewell my love... I'm wearing loghans hat WOOP! 
Picture of a picture happening... It sucked but i finally got a good one ahah |
HE'S COOLER THAN ME. i am so jealous. Props to Miranda Eliot for the photo of my dad. It has 51 notes on tumblr... |
Ryan howell, Frewell my love. |
dennis lee.. |
i effing loved their couches. |
Shawn milke |
Had so much fun with the boys Can't wait to see them again soon. |
Fail sail, selfie style. |
I really wish i could remember what other band he recommended. I fell in love with MAE. ): I'm really happy with how much we talked. i honestly can't get over it. |
My dad looks dumb. XD |
Johnny Boy ^_^ |
Covered in dennis lee's spit, Which was mostly beer. I aint even mad. |
He gave me a Megosh button~!!! |
Jake! and the neverland pirate d: |
Dorks. |
My dads a creep and for once that's ok! yay~ |

I'll end with PS post concert depression is a bitch.