I cheyenne {the photographer} decided to take a step back to become the model. Not gonna lie i really enjoyed being on the other side of the lens for once~!! Not that i'd do it again anytime soon, i much prefer being on the good side of the camera... The side that isn't seen bwha.
special thanks to macaila the mouse for being my photographer it was about time i got good photos of myself although it was hard to let someone use my baby (camera) and it was hard not to over criticize myself and macaila as the photographer i'd say i'm happy with the outcome of this.

i'm defiantly not cut out to be a model of any sort But i enjoyed goofing off and i got some great shots out of it~

letting the little rebellious punk out of me my apologies for flipping you all off. sorry i'm not sorry Ok Ok i kid i kid.

smile you're on camera..

a very candid shot...
geeze i looked so un happy. i love the shot though

another semi candid shot fake blood is fun.

typical chyster face.


this is what happens when i smile.
sorry for not updating as much as i'd like to and know i should.. I've been too busy doing nothing important more like doing nothing at all really. I NEED TO GET OUT AND SHOOT MORE. hopefully 2013 will be better for things like that... I went to one YES ONE concert in 2012 how is that even possible?? Until next time ~chyster.